tempo di lettura: 13 minuti. . ARGOMENTO: BIOLOGIA MARINAPERIODO: XXI SECOLOAREA: MARINE ECOLOGY AND BIOLOGYparole chiave: bioritmi, cronobiologia second part of :Marine biorhythms: bridging chronobiology and ecology by Martin Bulla, Thomas Oudman, Allert I.Bijleveld, TheunisPiersma, Charalambos P. Kyriacou 3. Molecular studies of tidal rhythmsThe work described above suggests that tidal and circadian rhythms in foraging shorebirds reflect adjustments to the complex […]
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Marine biorhythms, bridging chronobiology and ecology part I by Martin Bulla et alii
tempo di lettura: 10 minuti. . ARGOMENTO: BIOLOGIA MARINA PERIODO: XXI SECOLO AREA: MARINE BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY parole chiave: Cronobiologia, ecologia Marine biorhythms: bridging chronobiology and ecology authors: Martin Bulla, Thomas Oudman, Allert I. Bijleveld, TheunisPiersma, Charalambos P. Kyriacou Published 9 October 2017 DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2016.0253 Abstract Marine organisms adapt to complex temporal environments that include daily, tidal, semi-lunar, lunar and seasonal cycles. […]
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